
Talking about banking for us means accuracy, privacy, confidentiality and finding traditional and non-traditional solutions for disputes arising in this sector to preserve our clients’ rights while providing the concerned legal protection, thus, Al-Zuabi Law Firm focuses on strengthening the firm with a group of distinguished and competent consultants who have diversified experience in banking legal disputes.

Find bellow some of the services we offer in banks sector:

  • Providing legal advice on conventional loans, financing trade operations, and preparation and study of loan and bank mortgage contracts.
  • Formulating of banks, finance companies, and Islamic investment
  • Providing legal advice related to the issuance of Islamic finance, instruments, and investment.
  • Litigating on behalf of our clients in all banking disputes/legal claims arising from loans, letters of credit, letters of guarantee and all types of credit contracts as well as documentary credits.
  • Managing and supervising both of implementation and collection processes of bank dues owed by third parties.
  • Providing legal review to all banking transactions to ensure it meets all the pre-required formal and substantive elements.
  • Providing legal advice related to the ongoing current accounts, savings accounts, deposits, saving certificates, check issuance and legal triggers arising thereto.

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